Freebies!    What does that word make you think of?

My Mom is a pro at getting freebies! A favorite stop is the duty free shop but she will ask anywhere. We have a lot of those handy things in our cupboards:

A fresh deck of cards from a now defunct airline.



DSCN5485a promotional hand towel


and a zippered cooler bag,


The best freebies I have in my life now are the ones listed in the book  The 100!  These are foods that are lowest in sugar calories. They ” will supercharge your weight loss because they keep insulin at low levels” says Jorge Cruise, author.  These are the foods that will be the key to keeping your blood sugar low, keep the fat burning  and will give you results you want!

Scan the lists on pages  169 –  180 of Chapter  8  of  The 100 by Jorge Cruise and find some for you!

Here are a few to be found on the list:

Cashews, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, avocado, mayonnaise, tuna, olive oil, cottage cheese, cucumber, cilantro, salmon,  almonds, Monterey jack, artichokes, orange roughy, tomatoes, bacon, pumpkin seeds, tea, sour cream, whipped cream, pepperonia, sunflower seeds, shrimp,  and more! Think of the meals that can be made from this!


Many of these make meals that are easy on the grill and in summer salads. Don’t worry: there are plenty of choices to marinate,  and baste with!

I love freebies. You will too!


Let’s go on the ride together, and get on Cruise Control!



Quote taken from The100: Count Only Sugar Calories and Lose up to 18 Lbs. in 2 Weeks written by Jorge Cruise.



©  copyright May 17, 2014, C.L. Hawker














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